Makinsi has entered that "Copy Everything You Do" stage. She's been watching all of us brush our teeth so she's picked up on it. I got her a toothbrush (so she'll quit slobbering all over mine) and some training toothpaste. She loves it. I didn't get a picture of it, but she loves to spit! She doesn't spit anything, but I guess she's watched me do it and it's the funniest thing.
After brushing her teeth, I put her to work washing windows. Then she decided that Bailey needed to be washed too.
I can't believe that Bailey let her climb over and actually sit on her.
Kinsi loves when Uncle Brad gets out the pretzels and cheese. In fact, she'll go and get the pretzels herself and climb up in Brad's lap. That's become their snack when we get home from the ballpark. And finally, I had to buy her this shirt at Wal-Mart the other day. It says "I'm guaranteed to make you smile". It's just perfect for her!
She sure is a cutie! Jonathan loves brushing his teeth too!
Cute pics..I love the one with her washing the dog. Bailey must be an awesome dog...I want a dog my kids can ride!!
BTW that canned Jalepano cheese is a staple in our house too! Paul got me addicted to it!
PS I have her hairbows (TOO CUTE!)
Ohhh, maybe i should teach the boys how to wash windows too! Mine are constantly covered with dog snot!
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