Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mix Up or Not?

We just opened our Dec. 12th gift, yes a day early. I opened this:

Ha, Ha, these are Brad's favorites. Brad opened this:

I think the tags got mixed up, what do you think?

The peppermints are also Bailey's favorite.


Teaque said...

with the amount of gifts she has to wrap it's no wonder there was a little mix up!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I need to give Kai peppermints. I took her to the vet Monday and he said she needed to have her teeth cleaned. No big deal, right? Just get out the doggie sized toothbrush and ask her to grin. NO prob. Nope. $275 dollars cause they have to sedate the canine so she won't bite them. $275?! ?!!?

I'm thinking, "What tarter?"