Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snow Day!!!

I love waking up in the morning, looking out the window and then running to the tv to see "Nelson County Schools - Closed". It's just the gift of a random day off that makes me happy. I love my job, but a few random days here and there are great. We'll probably lose a scheduled day off in Feb. or something but for some reason a surprise day is better than a scheduled day to me.

We didn't get much snow, but I let Bailey out the back door this morning and said her name. She saw the camera in my hand and just sat down to have her picture made. She's such a diva!

Hope you're enjoying your snow day and yes, Teaque, I hear you cursing me all the way from Vine Grove.

1 comment:

Teaque said...

I'm obviously a little behind in blog land (4:30am is a great time to catch up though when you are trying to decide if your contractions are really contractions and you would really rather be sleeping but think maybe just maybe you should go to the hospital - uggg) ... yes I WAS very unhappy with the snow day!