Friday, February 6, 2009

My Sweet Kinsi...

Kinsi has been so sweet this week! She's finally talking and most importantly has learned my name and is calling me HeHe. She has been saying Brad and Bailey forever now, but would never say my name. Lauren got her saying it the other night and recorded it on her cell phone so I could hear it. I picked her up Wed. afternoon from Lauren at work and as soon as she saw me she ran to me hollering "HeHe" and fell into my arms giving me the biggest hug.

Here she's helping me carry groceries in. She only got one bag in before she found the snow and had a seat. Lauren taught her how to make snow angels last week so she had to make one for us.

We forgot Bailey's birthday this year. Oops! So I found this dog cake at Wal-Mart and we made it for Bailey. I had to get cupcakes for Kinsi of course and that's her new word. "Cuttakes!"

She's also gotten over her hate for the camera. I guess I ruined her for a while, but she's back to saying "cheese!"
Hearing her finally holler "HeHe" and giggle is the sweetest sound in the world! Her hugs and kisses make tears come to my eyes. She kisses your forehead, then each cheek, then your nose, chin, both eyes and then your lips. It takes 10 minutes for her to tell you goodbye! Such a sweetheart!


Lisa and Josh said...

Aww, how sweet! Kinsi is getting so big!

Anonymous said...

LIttle kisses and hugs are THE BEST!!!!