Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pictures of the New Pad

I absolutely love this new apartment. It's the nicest place I've lived in a long time. I have the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and Brad's side of the Baseball/Scrapbook Hall of Fame finished. Here are a few pictures and I'll quit talking about this and get back to normal life.
This is the bedroom of course.
This is our gigantic bathroom. I'm standing in the bedroom looking through the door into the bathroom. The shower is on the right side wall and the sink is on the left. You could totally put a queen size mattress on the floor in there and still be able to walk all the way around it.

I have tons of wall space in the bathroom and did the Hawaiian theme shower curtain and things, so I need to find something to go on all the walls.

This is the kitchen that has a wonderful stove that works like it's supposed to and a dishwasher!
This is the Baseball side of the Baseball/Scrapbook Hall of Fame room. I need a better title for this room, I'm just not sure what yet. The scrapbook side isn't cleaned up yet or organized at all. I can't wait to work on that.
This is the living room. It's kind of awkward because there are doors on three of the four walls. The double doors behind the couch there is the closet for the washer and dryer.

Out the sliding glass doors there is a patio. I can't wait to get a lounge chair and sit out there and read. So basically that it's. I feel so much better living in a nicer, more private area. Brad loves it too and he's 5 minutes from work, so he loves that. Bailey on the other hand is still getting used to things. She isn't adjusting as well as we are, but she'll get used to it. Hopefully, soon.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! The place looks great. I'm so proud of you for getting stuff put away so soon. Don't worry Bailey will catch up to you two. It took Sunny (our cat) a month or two before we was used to our new house now he pretty much runs the joint :-)

Anonymous said...

It looks HUGE!!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!